$25/hour - 1st shooter on a lane.
$15/hour - Each additional shooter on the same lane (We allow a maximum of 4 shooters per lane).
$10/hour - Minors 12 years of age or older and must be accompanied by an adult at least 25 years of age.

33% discount for Military or Law Enforcement. Includes active, retired, and veterans. Credentials required.

*** We may ask that you make your lane available after each hour if there are shooters waiting, otherwise feel free to shoot as long as you would like. ***


$15 - Per firearm
$30 - Unlimited firearm rental (includes handguns & rifles, 1 firearm at a time)


  • You must have at least one other person or your own firearm with you to rent one of our firearms.
  • Groups of two or more, without a firearm, will be required to demonstrate they can safely operate the firearm before they are allowed to rent.
  • You must be at least 21 years of age to rent a firearm.
  • You must use our ammunition with our firearm rentals.


Holster Practice: Elite Armory is pleased to offer holster work on our range.  Holster work can be done during our holster work event at your own pace on the specified dates and times.  To be participate, you can show up on the designated times for supervised shooting, however,  it is strongly recommended that you reserve you spot which is the only way to guarantee you will be able to participate since there is limited space available. Our instructor will go through our safety brief, check/approve your gear, and verify you have a safe draw technique.  Once approved, you will be able to practice drawing from the holster while supervised by our RSO.  This event is designed for shooters that already have experience drawing from the holster.  If you have never drawn from the holster before, we recommend seeking training in this skill before signing up.  We offer a Holster Fundamentals class as well as  1 on 1 training if you are interested.

Holster Work Event: Tuesday – Thursday @ 4pm & 5:30pm (check-in 30 minutes early for safety brief and gear check)

Holster work fee: $15

Approved Gear:

Belt: Belt must be rigid enough to properly support their holster


  1. Outside the waist band holsters only (Examples of approved holsters: Safariland ALS 6000 series & 7000 series)
    • Must be worn strong side
  2. Must have some type of retention (friction ok)
  3. The holster must be made for your firearm and fit your firearm well (no universal holsters)
  4. Holster must be made of rigid or firm material (Kydex or leather)
  5. Holster’s mounting hardware must be in good condition: If leather no rips tares or missing stitches, for kydex no missing fasteners such as rivets or screws.

Holsters that DO NOT WORK for the event:

  1. Any inside the waist band holster
  2. General one size fits all / universal holster
  3. Off the body carry (Example: Concealment containers, fanny packs, messenger bags, etc.)
  4. Bell bands
  5. Chest / guide holsters
  6. Trigger guard holster
  7. Shoulder holsters
  8. Cross draw holsters
  9. Small of back holsters
  10. Any holster deemed to be a safety risk (Example: Blackhawk Serpa)

Rental Firearms

Beretta 92FS 9mm
Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm
Beretta PX4 Storm 40S&W
Browning 1911-22 22LR
Browning BuckMark 22LR
CZ 75 SP-01 9mm
CZ 75 P-01 9mm
Romanian WASR-3 .223/5.56
Glock 17 9mm
Glock 19 9mm
Glock 20SF 10mm
Glock 29SF 10mm
Glock 21SF 45ACP
Glock 22 40S&W
Glock 23 40S&W
Glock 26 9mm
Glock 27 40S&W
Glock 30SF 45ACP
Glock 34 9mm
Glock 35 40S&W
Heckler & Koch P2000 V2 9mm
Heckler & Koch P2000 V3 9mm
Heckler & Koch P2000 V3 40S&W
Heckler & Koch P2000SK V3 9mm
Heckler & Koch P2000SK V3 40S&W
Heckler & Koch SL-8 .223/5.56
Kimber Ultra CDP II 45ACP
Kriss Vector CRB 45 ACP
Rock Island 1911-A1 FS 45ACP
Ruger GP100 .357 MAG
Ruger SP101 357MAG
Ruger Super RedHawk Alaskan 44MAG
Ruger PC Carbine 9mm
Ruger 10/22 22LR
Ruger LC380 .380ACP
Sig Sauer P220 45ACP
Sig Sauer P229 9mm
Sig Sauer P229 Elite 40S&W
Sig Sauer P226 9mm
Sig Sauer P226 40S&W
Sig Sauer SP2022 9mm
Sig Sauer SP2022 40S&W
Sig SauerP238 .380ACP
Smith & Wesson M&P 9 Shield 9mm
Smith & Wesson M&P40 Shield 40S&W
Smith & Wesson M&P 15 .223/5.56
Smith & Wesson SD40VE 40S&W
Smith & Wesson 617-6 22LR
Smith & Wesson 642-2 38SPL
Smith & Wesson BG38-1 38SPL
Smith & Wesson 686-6 357MAG
Smith & Wesson 627-5 357MAG
Smith & Wesson 66-8 357MAG
Springfield Armory XD-40 40S&W
Springfield Armory XD-45 45ACP
Tippman Arms M4-22 22LR
ArmaLite AR10 .308